Our school's first international PhD students smoothly through the dissertation

作者: 时间:2020-06-16 点击数:

Our school's first international PhD students smoothly through the dissertation

On the morning of June 16, the doctoral dissertation defense of Sajjadur Rehman, the first international doctoral student in our university, was held in the conference room on the second floor of the Institute of engineering. Professor Liu Zhongwu of South China University Of Technology and Professor Wang Dunhui of Nanjing University were invited to participate in the online review. Professor Wang hang, Professor Han Xiuxun and Professor Ma Shengcan of our university conducted on-site evaluation. Associate Professor Li Jiajie was the defense secretary. All teachers and students from the Institute of geomagnetic materials and devices participated in the defense.

As the first international doctoral student in our university, Sajjad, from Pakistan, has made great achievements under the guidance of Professor Zhong Zhenchen. He has published 10 high-level papers as the first author (including 3 papers in the second area of SCI and three papers in the third district), presided over two university level scientific research projects, and won the first-class scholarship for foreign students in Jiangxi Province for two consecutive years. Sajjad's doctoral dissertation systematically describes the alnico alloy, RE-Fe-B alloy and their nanocomposite magnets prepared by casting, heat treatment, rapid solidification and spark plasma sintering (SPS), and establishes the relationship between the manufacturing and heat treatment conditions, microstructure evolution and magnetic properties of the studied alloys, and systematically discusses the alloying and metallurgical behavior of the elements, the evolution of microstructure and magnetic properties The mechanism of microstructure evolution, magnetic hardening and coercivity. The research results have important value and development potential in permanent magnet materials and their applications.

The defense committee agreed that Sajjad's thesis writing was standard, clear-cut, well structured and full of data. In the process of defense, the students explained clearly and answered the questions correctly, which reflected that the student had mastered the solid and broad basic theoretical knowledge of the major, had the ability to independently engage in scientific research, and the thesis reached the academic level of doctoral dissertation. After a vote, it was unanimously agreed that the student passed the thesis defense, and suggested that the university degree evaluation committee grant Sajjad a doctor's degree in engineering. It is reported that the average score of Sajjad's doctoral dissertation by five external reviewers is 92.

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