Dr. Li Haihong, Chief Scientist of Disruptive Separation Technology Ltd in Canada, Delivers an Academic Report at the University

作者: 时间:2023-06-03 点击数:

On the morning of May 31st, Dr. Li Haihong, Chief Scientist of Disruptive Separation Technology Ltd in Canada, was invited to give an academic lecture titled "Oil Sand Flotation and Tailings Treatment Technology" at the Yifu Building Academic Lecture Hall on the Golden Campus. He Guichun, Dean of the School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Yu Xinyang, Vice Dean, and relevant professional teachers and students listened to the report. The lecture was hosted by Yu Xinyang.

Li Haihong introduced the composition and category of oil sands, which led to the theme of the report. Based on his own work experience, he explained how to flotation oil sands from complex ores, emphasizing the role of novel flocculants in treating ultrafine tailings in different tailings technologies. Subsequently, he explained the problems faced in the flotation process from several main factors that affect the emergence of oil sands. He provided professional explanations on technical issues such as the transportation pipeline system of oil sand, the interaction between oil and mineral fine particles, experimental research on oil sand flotation, and the difficulty of operation. Through the analysis of patented methods, Li Haihong extended the treatment technology related to oil sand tailings. He pointed out that the use of novel chemicals and green treatment techniques to reduce GHG emissions and water consumption is their future demand and direction for further research and development.

Li Haihong, male, PhD, is the Chief Scientist of Disruptive Separation Technology Ltd. in Canada. I graduated from Beijing University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor's degree in Mineral Engineering, a Master's degree in Mineral Engineering from Central South University, and a PhD from Laval University in Canada. I also conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Albert in Canada. Formerly served as an engineer at the Beijing Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a researcher at the Australian Institute of Mineral Sciences, and a research scientist at InnoTechAlberta, a provincial research institute in Alberta, Canada. The main research areas include oil sand ore flotation separation technology and reagents, non-ferrous metal ore, iron ore and phosphate ore flotation separation technology and reagents, and tailings flocculation dehydration.

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